What is an E-CTN?
An E-CTN is an Electronic Cargo Tracking Note. Waivers are compulsory and required to effectively control, supervise and manage import traffic to West African countries. They should be completed and validated by a recognized party before cargo arrives at port of discharge.
For a fast, efficient and safe procedure, always look for your officially recognized and authorized agent.
What is a BESC?
It is simply the French translation of E-CTN: Bordereau Électronique de Suivi des Cargaisons. Other nominations for the waivers are FERI – Democratic Republic of Congo (Fiche Électronique de Renseignement à l’Importation), BIETC – Gabon (Bordereau d’Identification Électronique de Traçabilité des Cargaisons), CTN (Cargo Tracking Note).
Why is it needed?
It is a compulsory document for clearing your goods at destination. Failing to present a valid ECTN / BESC issued by the official and authorized agent results in significant fines at destination.
When to apply for an E-CTN?
In some cases, your ECTN is required even before your cargo is loaded on board. Each country has its own regulations; therefore, it is preferable you check them in their dedicated section click here on our website or drop us an email for full guidance by our team of experts certificates@pelship.com
How to apply for an E-CTN?
Two ways for applying: drop us an email at certificates@pelship.com along with the documents needed (check the requirements in the dedicated section on our website) or fill the form online and upload your documents click here
You will receive your draft certificate within 24 hours.
What happens if I don’t have a validated certificate upon the arrival of my cargo at POD?
Many issues can be faced. Having to pay twice the cost of the certificate in addition to regulation charges, penalties or even denial of clearance of goods.
In which cases do I need two certificates?
Some countries are in the hinterlands of West Africa with no access to the shore. In this case, the containers are discharged in the neighboring coastal country and transported inland to the final country of destination. Therefore, some will require 2 certificates: one for the shored country and another for the hinterland. While others will require only one.Check the list here-below for a clear understanding:
- Burkina Faso via Ghana: Certificate required for Burkina Faso only
- Burkina Faso via Togo: Certificate for both is required
- Burkina Faso via Ivory Coast: Certificate for both is required
- Chad via Cameroun: Only an ECTN for Chad is required
- Central Africa via Cameroun: Only an ECTN for Central Africa is required
- Niger via Bénin: Certificate for both is required
- Niger via Togo: Certificate for both is required
- Niger via Ghana: Certificate required for Niger only
- Mali via Sénégal: Only a BESC is required for Mali